Friday, February 6, 2009

Announcing Spring & Summer Piano Trip......

Pack your bags, we're going to Disneyland!

Piano students will enjoy the magic of Disney music at Mrs. Adams' own Magic Kingdom! Book your first class seat with Mrs. Adams any time after Feb. 15th. Personalize your own itinerary with the number of lessons, dates and times you'd like to travel.

Season Opens:
Spring: May 7 - June 19
Summer: June 22 - Aug. 14
Students can register for lessons in one or both sessions.

Park Hours:
M-F 3 to 7 p.m. Sat. 8 to 11 a.m.
M-F mornings by special request.

Registration by email only. I will process requests in the order I receive them. First come, first serve basis. Confirmations will be sent by email.

Disney Pass:
Private Admission only. No group passes.
$40 each 1/2 hr. adventure
Disney Piano Book will range from $10-25. (I'm reviewing books now)
To hold dates, payment is due in full by Mar. 25 for Spring and May 1 for Summer.

To register....
Determine what will be best for your child by selecting Options 1, 2, or 3.

#1 Maintenance - requires a minimum of 3-4 lessons. At each lesson, students receive instruction on as many Disney songs as lessons permit to help them understand the music and motivate self-directed practice. Practice requirement is relaxed, fitting practice in as able with other activities.

#2 Progression - requires as close to weekly lessons as fit your schedule. Assignments are smaller, giving some practice leeway. Same books are used but alternated with addition of a motivational Disney fun play book. 5 or 6 day practice week recommended.

#3 Catch-up - If school year lessons were interrupted by multiple absences, student would benefit from weekly or bi-weekly lessons. Regular music will be reviewed along with addition of Disney. More practice the better taking into account off school activities.

Please keep in mind where there is no teacher connection, students lose motivation, interest and regress rapidly! Four months could be detrimental come fall.

Additional Notes:
Because a traditional 1/2 lesson goes by quickly, siblings may not share a lesson time. It would be a better plan for them to alternate weeks if needed. Siblings are welcome to schedule back-to-back lessons so you can return in an hour. I do request you send something for younger students to do inside while waiting like a book(s) to read, coloring book etc. Older students can take advantage of the additional practice time while instruction is fresh on their minds. Don't forget about the park up the street too.

Should you have a conflict and need to change a lesson date, I will do my best to accommodate requests given a minimum of one week advance notice if space is available. No refunds or make-ups are given if you miss for any reason. Any changes must be made within the time frame of that session.

Please remember the time I set aside for you is yours, whether you're here or not. Please plan to arrive on time to take advantage of the full lesson. Students arriving late will receive a shortened lesson so the next student can begin at their scheduled time.

Feel free to email your questions to

See you in ToonTown!!!!!
Mrs. Adams

My love for piano started at age 5 with my grandmother as my teacher.

My love for piano started at age 5 with my grandmother as my teacher.


Registration is open for Summer Piano beginning June 7 through July 30. Email your dates and window of time. Fee: $40 - 1/2 hr. private.


Spring Session April and May.



Monthly Piano Tuition Payment due Feb. 1st

NO CLASSES are scheduled for students attending on these days:
Monday: Feb. 15
Tuesday: Feb. 16
Wednesday: Feb. 3
Thursday: Feb. 4
Friday: Feb. 12 and 26
Saturday: Feb. 13

IN-Class Sharing Times:
Mon. - Feb. 22
Tues. - Feb. 23
Wed. - Feb. 24
Thurs. - Feb. 25
Fri. - Feb. 19
Sat. - Feb. 27


Monthly Piano Tuition Payments due Mar. 1

NO CLASSES are scheduled for students attending on these days:
Monday: Mar. 1
Wednesday: Mar 10
Thursday: Mar. 4

The final day of scheduled classes for this semester:
Mar. 22 - Mar. 27th. Sharing Time will also be this week.

Spring Quarter - TBA

January 2010 Calendar

Monthly Piano Tuition Payment Now Due.

Classes are cancelled Fri., Jan. 29th.

Inclass Sharing Times -
Mon. - 25th
Tues. - 26th
Wed. - 27th
Thurs. - 28th
Fri. - 22nd
Sa.t - 30th

Snow cancellations? Call 847.948.7554 after 2 p.m. the day of your class for a recorded message. I'll also email.

Calendar to the end of 2009!

Final Tuition Payments are due Dec. 1

Monthly Tuition payments are due Nov. 1, Dec. 1, Jan. 1

My address for mailing : 14 Sheffield Court Lincolnshire, IL 60069.

Thanksgiving Break begins Nov. 24. Students return back to class beginning Nov. 30. Happy Thanksgiving!

Winter Break begins Dec. 19. No classes until the week of Jan. 4. Happy Holidays!


2nd Tuition payments are due Oct. 1st.
Monthly payments are also due Oct. 1st.

The only cancelled class for the month is for Monday students on Oct. 12th.

Spooktacular Sharing Times will be Oct. 26 - 31st.


"If you can dream it, you can do it."
~ Walt Disney

"The most valuable practice aid is patience."
~ Howard Snell,
The Art of Practice, Pen Press, 2006, p.75

"If you have played six times wrong, one time right, the problem is not quite corrected."
~ William Westney,
The Perfect Wrong Note
Amadeus Press, 2003 p. 92

"Every day you don't practice, you're one day further from being good." ~ Ben Hogan

"The best way for a student to get out of difficulty is to go through it." ~ Aristotle

"There will never come a time when you don't have to practice." ~ JJ Johnson


NO CLASSES on the 5th, 7th and 29th

Monday students will miss Sept. 7th due to Labor Day. Enjoy the long weekend and see you back Sept. 14 REALLY WELL PREPARED with 2 weeks to practice a very small start-up assignment!

Saturday students will miss Sept 5 due to the Labor Day weekend. See you back Sept. 12 with a REALLY WELL PREPARED lesson. You will have had two weeks to practice a small assignment too!

Tuesday students will miss Sept. 29 for observance of Yom Kippur celebrations. Tuesday students will return the following week on Oct. 6th.

Monday Students - 28th
Tuesday Students - 22nd
Wed. Students - 30
Thurs. Students - 24
Fri. Students - 25
Sat. Students - 26
Continuing students are perfecting a Disney tune from summer to play. New students can choose any song they've recently learned.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then, is not an act, but a habit."


Aug. 1 - Tuition and Fee Statements will be emailed.

Aug. 11- Final day of Summer Piano

Aug. 25 - 1st Payment is due

Get excited for your first day of piano!!!!!
Aug. 24 - First day for Monday students
Aug. 28 - First day for Friday students
Aug. 29 - First day for Saturday students
Sept. 1 - First day for Tuesday students
Sept. 2 - First day for Wednesday students
Sept. 3 - First day for Thursday students
"Music is a higher revelation than
all wisdom and philosphy.
Music is the electrical soil in which
the spirit lives, thinks and invents."
__Ludwig van Beethoven

Teaching Experience...

I am celebrating my 33rd year of teaching! It brings a smile to my face when I think of the thousands of students I've nurtured, families I've met, friends I've made, accomplishments of students and new songs I've created. It's been my good fortune to be an award-winning composer always encouraged by my wonderful husband and children to share my talents through teaching, performing and composing.


The benefits of music study over the last 20 years cannot be ignored. Research shows that learning to read music and play an instrument improves reading and math ability, physical coordination and eye functions, improves thought processes, logical thinking skills, organization and memory skills. It bolsters self esteem, improves social skills, ability to achieve a goal as a group through indiviual efforts.
Therea Villec, President MusicMakers...for Life, Inc.

Students who can perform complex rhythms can also make faster and more precise corrections in many academic and physical situations.
Center for Timing, Coordination and Motor Skills 2000.

Students who are rhythmically skilled also tend to better plan, sequence and coordinate actions in their daily lives.
TCAMS Professional Resource Center 2000

Rhythm students learn fractions better.
Neurological Research Mar. 15, 1999

In a 2000 survey, 73 percent of respondents agree that teens who play an instrument are less likely to have discipline problems.
American Music Conference 2000

College Admissions officers continue to cite participation in music as an important factor in making admission decisions. They claim that music participation demonstrates time management and creativity, expression and open-mindedness.
Carl Hartman, Associated Press, Oct. 1999

Music Students score higher on SAT's.
Profiles of SAT Achievement, College Board 2001

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purple and yellow flower

Sassy Dots

moments in time
